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Bible Studies

Fall 2024 Bible Studies

We are excited to study the Scriptures with you!

Men’s Bible study: Fridays @ 2-3pm | Ettinger 108

Women’s Bible study: Mondays @ 7-8pm | Check the GroupMe/Instagram for Location

Large Group Bible study: Tuesdays @ 7-8:15pm | The Red Door (Seegers Basement)

What’s the point of studying the Bible in small groups?

Does the combination of “Bible” and “Study” sound strange? Why study such an old book, especially when I already study for so much for class? At DCF Bible Studies are one of the highlights for many of our students during the week. They are a time to connect in real ways with one another and grow closer to God in tangible ways. Think of them as an invitation to see and know God in a personal way. We’d love nothing more than for you to join in on one of them in the fall.

Maybe you’ve wondered at times who was Jesus?  Why does people make such a big deal of this man, his teaching, and his ministry? There are a number of different opinions out there, especially on a college campus.  Was he a philosopher, a good teacher, a religious activist, a political reformer, or the Lord and Savior of the world?  Whether you consider yourself a skeptic, a seeker, a Christian, or you're just curious, these times are for everyone. We welcome different perspectives and questions as we seek to discover what the Bible has to say about Jesus and what that practically means for our lives in the 21st Century.

Visit our Facebook page, follow us on Instagram, or Get Connected here and we will make sure you get plugged in!

As the semester gets underway we will update this page with times, locations, and other details for how you can plug into a Bible Study that works for you!